Friday, August 19, 2011

Sarah & Morgan's Photo Shoots

 I think I have a new favorite age to photograph!  Sarah and Morgan were so happy and easy going!  I'm used to newborns and those cute sleeping poses.  But I must say . . . all moms should think about doing another photo shoot when these cuties reach about 6 months (before the crawling stage).  Aren't they darling?

Sariah's Senior Pics

 I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Sariah this past year.  She has so many talents . . . all types of sports AND one of the best singing voices I've ever heard.  Seriously.  She could be on broadway. 

And oh yeah, she is gorgeous too!  We had so much fun running from spot to spot during her little photo shoot.  With such a great model, it makes my job so easy!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Family Photos

 I was over the top excited when my friend TJ asked me to take her family photos.  They are such a fun and GORGEOUS family that I knew we would have a great time!
 Miss TJ is one of the most talented people I know.  She has such a beautiful voice and everyone who knows her immediately loves her.
 And talk about a good sport . . . Ryan was up for anything!

 Have you ever seen more beautiful eyes?

 And this boy needs to get himself a little modeling career asap.

 TJ worked with the young women at church and they adored her.  Sadly, this cute family is moving to Colorado and to say they will be missed would be an understatement. 

I don't think they'll ever truly know the impact that they have had on so many in the short time they were here!