Saturday, May 30, 2015

More Spring Sessions

I was so excited when Nikki asked me to do her photos - especially because she said she hadn't had family photos taken in a few years!  These six kids were SO well behaved and photogenic!  Easiest family of 8 I've probably ever taken pictures of. And you could tell how much they all loved each other.  So sweet!

The M Family

Oh how I love this family!  She is an incredible friend and I have been photographing her family since her oldest was born!  I have admired her for religiously taking family photos every single year even when she had three kids that were babies or toddlers and did not want to hold still for a minute.  But she documented that year anyway in the form of a family photo. And now her kids are getting older and they were angels for this photo shoot!

 Don't they look like they just stepped out of a catalogue?

And I love how they do their family photos in the spring time so they don't have to stress about it in the fall! :)  And her Christmas cards are usually done by October.  Wouldn't that be nice?! 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The G Family

I think the world of this cute family and was so excited to be able to photograph them!  When you spend a couple of hours with a family you get to see the dynamics of how they interact together.  And by the end of the evening, I could tell that this family not only LOVES each other, but has a ton of FUN together too!  They sure kept me laughing the entire time.